Gemstone Mines around the world 2

Gemstone Mines around the world 2


The next mine in this miniseries we will be introducing you to is . . .

(Welcome to Mogok sign)

The Ruby and Sapphire Mines of Mogok, Burma (Myanmar)

Of all of the gemstone mines in the world, the deposits at Mogok in Burma (now known as Myanmar) are perhaps the most celebrated. Not only does Mogok produce the finest rubies ever known, but the mine also produces sapphires near or just below Kashmir in prestige as well as splendid spinel, peridot, topaz and other gemstones. One of the world’s rarest gemstones, Painite, of which only a handful of crystals and cut stones exist, also comes from Mogok. Indeed it seems that mysterious forces decreed that Mogok be the source of the finest gemstones regardless of species. 

(Ruby from Mogok mine)

It is not known how or when precious gemstones were found in Mogok. The area stands at an altitude of nearly 4,000 feet and has a very lush environment and rainy climate. Legend has it that thousands of years ago a gigantic serpent laid a huge egg from which Mogok was hatched. Another fable tells of a giant eagle seeing a huge brilliant ruby crystal on top of a mountain in Mogok. Thinking the ruby to be fresh meat, the eagle plucked it from the mountain and dropped it onto the valley below where it was discovered by jungle dwellers. 

(People selling gemstone at the market)

A more plausible story tells of rubies being discovered at the base of small hill by three lost Shan hunters about eight-hundred years ago. The hunters offered the rubies to a Chaopha or local Burmese ruler. The Chaopha then established the village of Mogok near the spot where the stones were found. It is almost certain though that because of the great rarity, beauty and value of Mogok Ruby the origin of the Mogok mines were kept in secrecy for many years. It was said that Burmese warriors placed rubies into deep cuts on their bodies and then stitched them shut in belief that the rubies would make them impervious to injury during battle. Some Mogok stones may have also been confused with fine rubies from Jagdalek, Afghanistan, another ancient mine which can at times produce exceptional material. 

(People looking for gemstone in Mogok)

Precious gems from both the Mogok and Jagdalek mines made their way to Europe along the famed Silk Route, as well as to Indian and Persian royalty. The British annexed the Mogok mines in 1886 (at around the same time they took control of the Kashmir sapphire mines in India) with the intent of distributing Mogok rubies around the world—while of course reserving the largest and finest stones for the British Monarchy. The British hold on Mogok was to last for about four decades when the mines returned to Burma in 1931.

I hope the second blog of this mines series was also a good read, please look forward to our last blog about the best emerald mine.

Nasim Ahmad Accredited Gemologist

Blog writer at


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TAG gemstone mines, buy gemstone ,sell gemstone, Burma, Myanmar gem mine, Mogok, ruby ,sapphire, Mogok gems

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